40 is the new 20 right?

No I’m not turning 40 but my birthday is nearing and it has me thinking. My 30’s have not been especially kind to me with miscarriages, gallbladder removal, hysterectomy, and an extra 25 pounds. My 30’s have just downright blown. My sense of humor has also been in the crapper. I feel like an adult for the first time in my adult life and I don’t care much for it. Maybe my 40’s will be vastly better. Or maybe I can turn the second half of my 30’s around.

How is that even possible? I have a bad marriage under my belt and birthed 6 kids. I have teenagers! How could I have managed to keep my child like sense for so long? I don’t know but I would like it back. I literally woke up one day and could feel dread and stress. And it keeps me up at night. I’m just waiting for that first line to appear across my forehead from frowning. I know boo hoo Samantha welcome to the real world.

I have a theory though, social media. Before social media I had no clue that every other person in the world was a dick. It was all sunshine and roses. I lived in this nifty little bubble. Heck when people would happen to judge me for my appearance I was astounded, sad, and even heartbroken. Now I am no longer surprised or even bothered. Which is a bad thing. I had this belief that most people were kind. That the atrocities in the world were committed by sick individuals. But now I see hate every time I open my Facebook app. And it has me questioning humanity.

I think of my children and what this world will thrust upon them. I think of Conrad and wonder if he will ever acclimate, make friends, have any kind of normalcy. If he will be bullied or abused by others. My forehead is all scrunched up just typing this. Don’t get me wrong I have experienced incredible acts of kindness from friends and strangers. But I have also witnessed terrible wrongs. I know we all have these fears as parents. That I am not alone with this worry. But honestly before Conrad I had this notion that it all works out in the end. That my kids had a good fighting chance at an awesome life or a typical mundane one. Which isn’t so awful not everyone can walk on the moon or cure a terrible disease! But I know Conrad will struggle, that he will have to work harder. And that the world won’t always be so kind to him.

In an effort to salvage my sense of humor and keep my forehead crease free I’ve decided my life needs a makeover. I love writing, I’m going to do that more. I read a book this week and it felt great. I cut my internet browsing in half and I think I could even go with less. I traveled to another city and forced myself to interact with strangers for an entire weekend. It was scary and liberating. Though while I was gone a family of squirrels burrowed through my ceiling. I’m not taking that as a sign. I stripped my clothes off and got in front of a camera, all 145 pounds of me. I’m going to step out of my box more. And by box I mean interacting with the real world where most people are not as brazen as they are behind a keyboard.

Eventually that crease will appear from age but I have no desire to help it along. And I really just can’t afford botox!

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P.S. Read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, it is fantastic!


50 shades of yuck

Dear Barnes and Noble,

I recently decided to use my iPad for something other than Facebook and looking at cute puppy pictures. I downloaded the Nook app and proceeded to purchase my very first ebook. I did this with reservations because I honestly believe in reading books written on paper. There is nothing like the smell of an actual book.

Recently I crawled out from my hole in the ground and caught wind of the hoopla surrounding 50 Shades of Grey by E L James. Now I have read erotica before and I like to think I’m pretty free sexually. So I wasn’t really thrown off by that aspect.

I’d like my $9.99 back please.

Now I’ve read some shit excuse my language. And I get escapism. But I found myself more agitated than even aroused or entertained by this piece of fiction. I almost found the idea of it offensive.

If you haven’t read the book and don’t care to know more please stop reading here. This is where my rant begins.

The two main characters are as cliched as they come. Almost graduate, mousy, virgin, but she’s really hot girl meets young, powerful, emotionally damaged into kink millionaire.

Of course they can’t stay away from each other. Her hormones are finally in full swing and she is so different and complex to him. Blah Blah Blah.

If you are 22 and have not had sex. Your first sexual encounter probably should be with someone a little more benign. Not an emotionally damaged, won’t let you touch him deviant. Which is totally fine because he was abused as a child.

And how empowering and womanly is it to walk away when you realize he’s never going to love you like you need. Even after you let him whip you with a belt. Thank goodness you said no to the caning. But only to return to him 5 days later in the next book. I know that because I googled the second book. I’m not reading that shit.

Sure don’t we all have a few dirty fantasies. Can’t you ignore the ridiculous story and bad writing. Just dive into and enjoy the erotic nature of the book. Um no.

I can’t enjoy a book where the main premise is basically about a bad relationship. Where an intelligent woman finds herself in the whole maybe he will be different for me trap. That’s not a love story. It should be a PSA on what to stay away from. If a man can only find emotional satisfaction from whipping you, run away. Even if you think it’s kinda hot.

This book just pissed me off on so many levels. It was 50 shades of annoyance.

I’d like my $9.99 back because this in no way could be called literature. Sure I hated the story line but it was also badly written.

I’m not sure what is going on in today’s households that somehow enough people have bought this book to make it a best seller. Mommy porn, if this is what moms are into these days. Men touch your ladies a bit more. Put your hands up their skirts once in awhile. Do something hell try something new. But do something fast so the rest of us don’t have to be subjected to such horrors as 50 Shades of Grey and future variations of said story.

Thanks again for the recommendation Barnes and Noble. No I did not like this. Give me my $9.99 back.

Not hot and bothered in Texas