
“When I was young I never needed anyone, makin love was just for fun. Those days are gone.”

My first two daughters I had in my early twenties. They were uncomplicated and without incident. My troubles would begin with my 3rd daughter Morgan. I failed to gain weight. She appeared to be struggling to thrive. At 36 weeks her heart would fall off the monitor and I was induced. Luckily she was perfect, 10 fingers and 10 toes. At this point I was done having children. My first marriage was dead in the water and I was facing life as a single mother. I promptly went on birth control, the IUD Mirena.

2 years later Matt would enter my life again. This time instead of our usually booty call we found ourselves all grown up. And madly in love. Yes madly meaning he drives me mad. But yet I find it completely endearing. He was my first and yes destined to be my last. You’re not going anywhere don’t get any ideas Matthew.

Coming from a relatively small family he longed for a large family. And children of his own. I found myself missing childhood where there was always a cousin in sight. So we decided more babies.

We would suffer our first miscarriage 8 weeks in. The fetus failed to develop. I miscarried naturally the week before Halloween. The next year we would be plagued with positive pregnancy test followed by my period weeks later.

Our next miscarriage would occur in July the next year. This one would put a strain on our relationship. We had heard the heartbeat. We had become invested. My body refused to let go so I had a D&C. I developed a reaction to my prescribed pain medication and then an infection. The recovery was rough.

Again we would be plagued with more positive pregnancy test followed weeks later by my period.

We bought a puppy.

Then our miracle happened. Matt lost his job, we moved, and discovered two little babies had taken root in my womb. They arrived with very little hoopla and incident 7 months later.

We would become pregnant again 3 months after the birth of the twins. But this time instead of a fetus my womb contained 5 empty sacks. Choricarcinoma was feared. I had another D&C followed by a round of the chemotherapy drug Methotrexate. I was put on birth control which caused my blood pressure to spike. My biopsy came back benign and I was taken off the birth control. My OB/GYN still felt I was fine reproductively.

I would become pregnant yet again. This pregnancy would start with bleeding, polyps, and the looming fear of miscarriage. My cervix and womb would appear to be full of polyps. A viable pregnancy seemed unlikely. Again faced with another D&C. Instead the polyps were removed from my cervix. More bleeding and then voila a viable fetus. I had kept this information close to the cuff. I also refer to this pregnancy as my own not we because in all honesty I had already accepted its demise.

Being over poor communication and shoddy treatment I found another doctor.

I went through a series of blood work. Extensive blood work. My initial test came back positive for Factor V Leiden, Lupus Anticoagulant, and Antiphospholipid Syndrome. To maintain this pregnancy I was put on a daily injection of the low dose blood thinner Lovenox and an aspirin a day.

Lovenox sucks. Period.

My blood work would also show a genetic mutation to my MTHFR gene. I am now to see a high risk OB as well. I will continue on the Lovenox till I’m 36 weeks and then switch to the drug Heparin twice a day. I will need to see a Hematologist to discuss my condition. Thrombophilia is caused by all the big words I mentioned above. I most likely face a life on blood thinners to avoid the possibility of deep vein thrombosis, stroke, and aneurysm.

Now what does any of these factors have to do with all my miscarriages you maybe wondering.

Factor V Leiden is the most common hereditary hypercoagulabilty disorder among Eurasians. Hypercoagulabilty or called Thrombophilia is the abnormality of blood coagulation. Thus causing an increase in blood clots.

Lupus Anticoagulant not to be confused with the disease Lupus are basically antibodies against substances in the lining of cells that prevent blood clotting.

Antiphospholipid Syndrome aka Hughes Syndrome is an autoimmune, hypercoagulable state caused by antibodies like the one mentioned above.

MTHFR is a gene that produces an enzyme. If you have a rare mutation of this gene it inhibits the production of this enzyme. The enzyme produced is needed for your body to absorb folic acid and vitamin B.

Folic Acid is needed to develop a fetus. If you have the above blood disorders some believe they cause decrease blood flow to the fetus. Thus causing miscarriage and even stillbirth. Hughes syndrome is believed to be the cause of recurrent pregnancy loss. Unfortunately women are not tested for any of these disorders till after repeated miscarriages and stillbirths. Often a woman will have a viable pregnancy thus causing doctors to not look for these factors till after much disappointment and heartbreak.

The treatment of using blood thinners to maintain a viable pregnancy is still very controversial. Some swear by it and others just call it the luck of the draw. Due to family and personal history pregnant or not I may still be stuck using them. Since they are proven to prevent thrombosis.

So how is my pregnancy going? Well you can imagine. It is anxious and filled with trepidation. Normally my blogs are all sarcasm and dry wit that I’m sure only I find amusing. But I feel it is very important for this information to be heard or read. That is why I tossed out there some boring medical jargon. Maybe another woman struggling with pregnancy loss with happen upon this blog. And maybe it will give her some insight. Sometimes we find comfort in knowing even with a possible grim outlook.


This blog use to be my outlet. My voice to the outside world. I had moments where I felt closed off and needed to be heard by anyone someone.

I woke up this morning and realized I don’t have much need for an outlet these days. My life has become too busy. I barely have time to think. Which may or may not be a good thing. I feel less creative but also less full of angst.

I had serious insecurities when it came to my relationship with my husband. I would use this blog to poke fun at myself. Air out some of my dirty laundry. The other day some chick sent my husband some inappropriate message on Facebook. Normally this would send me in a tizzy. But this time I found it amusing. Hell I find him attractive, why wouldn’t other women?

And then it dawned on me for the first time in my life I feel safe and loved. Not at all complacent.

Now motherhood is still daunting and I’m almost 99% sure will never get easier. I realize now that I won’t always get it right. Sometimes seriously wrong. But that is the way life goes. I could use some advice on how you keep the insanity at bay. I don’t drink or use drugs so I’m thinking I need maybe yoga or a knitting class. Earplugs. Something.

Pregnancy is kicking my butt. The injections suck. I’m exhausted. But heck I don’t even want to hear myself complain. I will not inflict such tortures on you.

So if you noticed my sudden lack of blogging, I’m still here. Just busy in the really real world. Maybe I’ll learn to cook so we can have something to chat about. For right now I’m happy and happy Sam isn’t much for writing. But she sure does love pictures………
















Complexities of Womanhood

On Tuesday we went for our first prenatal appointment. We were in good spirits. We like showing off the twins. But things quickly became somber during our sonogram. The sonogram showed four sacs, two that appear empty and two that they just couldn’t really see what was going on. They did some blood work and I was to return on Thursday for more. My blood work showed high HCG levels but they did not double like they should. Though they did increase.

My midwife said we were in some sort of grey area. We had no answer. We would just have to wait and see.

This morning I was given a list of possible outcomes. Blighted ovums(plural), etopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, or some where in there is a baby or babies.

I am not an overly positive person. I like to expect the worst so life can pleasantly surprise me. On that note life rarely surprises me. Before the twins we had experienced the blighted ovum scenario. Which supposedly this doesn’t usually happen to a woman more than once. But I’m beginning to think my Matt has “bad sperm” theory is correct. And the twins were a random lucky act. Yes I’m blaming Matt’s sperm!

Now I am more than blessed. I have a large family. Heck who needs more babies I have 4 month old twins. But in all honesty I’m sad. I’ve been sitting in my pajamas and a dingy robe for three days. I keep telling myself I have two beautiful babies. I can’t possibly be sad. But I am.

The prospect of suffering another miscarriage is just mind numbing. I would almost rather go back on Monday and be told they are all there. Quads! Now that is just crazy. I know.

My other concern is a molar pregnancy. I’m not too stoked about the idea of a potentially cancerous growth inside of me.

Though I do think I would look totally badass shaving my head and getting some crazy ass tattoo. Because that is what I would do first!

This whole wait and see approach blows. Especially since I have Google. Google is the devil. Google has pushed me into a paranoid obsessive meltdown. F U WebMD!

We now know I hyper-ovulate which is insane. I dropped four eggs naturally. So even if this isn’t a viable pregnancy my chances of multiples in the future is like 1 out of 2. Which makes me almost want to so um done! Otherwise I’m going to need my own reality show.

This blog is kinda like my friend. I feel like it’s cathartic for me. I’m not very good at talking to actual people. Sure I have friends but I like to keep things light-hearted. Simple. I save my crying for when I am alone. Probably not very healthy. But I have this blog. And writing makes me feel better.

So I’m going to get dressed. Maybe even clean the house. And kiss my babies! Later I will blog another one of those damn photos. I don’t even know which one I am supposed to do today.


Taking the plunge

The twins are 11 weeks and I finally feel brave enough to leap into the world of cloth diapering. I’ve been against, for, against, and now back to for cloth diapering.
I signed up for a diaper service. Now I know the whole point is to save money but I need to ease into this. I signed up with Green Baby Diaper service. They are located in Dallas. I get unlimited prefolds for $125.00 a month. That is the twin price. One baby will only cost you $79.00 a month. I didn’t have to sign any contracts and can quit any time. I plan on switching to their wash your diaper deal for $55.00 a month.
See I have my own stash of all in ones and covers. But I am waiting on my prefolds to arrive in the mail. $55.00 seems like a deal to my poo and laundry hating ass. I maybe too lazy for cloth diapering.
So far I’ve discovered that the twins hate to be wet. Silly why wouldn’t they hate that. With disposables the wetness wicks away. I’ve been alerted with wails every time they have tee teed today. So already a little more work than I am use to. I just had to stop mid blog to change Libby. My effort to double up for bed time didn’t work. I have a feeling this will be a learn by disaster experience. I’ll keep you posted on my misadventures with cloth diapering!


Writer’s Block

Say what writer’s block but you never shut up. I know crazy but I had nothing this last week. Sure my usual craziness. Okay that’s not true. I was going through some issues. I was sad. For a moment I freaked and thought I must be suffering from postpartum depression. I never get sad. Cranky and mean yes but not sad. I love my life even when it’s in the crapper. But this last week I was missing my husband. Yes I know he’s here but with 55 hour work weeks and twins. Well you can imagine. The girls seemed crazier than usual. I felt used up and tired. And resentful. I was mad at all these takers in my life. Not one damn giver!

Turns out first postpartum period. Thank goodness cause I about cried when my scale said I gained 7 pounds. Water weight. Woo back to normal today.

My obsession with weight exhausts me. I wish I could be okay in my own skin. But honestly I never feel skinny enough or pretty enough. This last week I was convinced my husband was going to take his wounded heart and fall into the arms of some ironic hipster who wears skinny jeans and funky sweaters. I was pretty mean to him, not so supportive. I wear a 26 inch waist. I’ve had 5 kids. I should be jumping for joy. But I stand in front of the mirror and things don’t stand as high as they use to. I’ve got some flab and a round ass.

I have this chubby face. Which I need like 50 takes to get a good picture. I lose my neck some how. How do those big girls on Facebook do it? They can take a hot picture. I look like a fat blob and I’m not even fat. I don’t mean any disrespect to the big girls. I need help.

I worry about my daughters. And what my issues on weight will do to them. My mother didn’t purposely make me feel fat. But she has this way of doing it. I realize she has body issues and doesn’t mean to project them. What am I projecting onto my own girls? When I tell Ramsey to skip the cookie and eat a banana. Does she think I’m calling her fat? I just want her to make good food choices. But is that the way I come across.

It’s hard being a woman. It’s hard accepting yourself. Round hips, thighs, fullness is not the picture of beauty today. It’s flat bellies, narrow hips, and perky tits. My age doesn’t help either. I’m at that cusps of being an actual adult. I’m losing that youthfulness of my twenties. My skin is thinner and losing it’s luster. I can’t tell you how much time I spend searching for wrinkles. It’s a lot. None so far but when I randomly go postal you’ll know that was the day I found one.

Age gracefully ha.

I’m 31. I have 5 beautiful daughters. Including twins who sleep through the night and the other 3 are on the honor roll. One amazing husband who I still have the hots for. A mother I talk to every day. A sister who gets it. An awesome bff. I have a home, food on the table, money in my pocket.

And somehow 126 pounds of me is not good enough. I let it rule my life. I’m 10 pounds too fat. I was able to zip a size 2 yesterday. What is wrong with me? How do I shake this poor body image?

How about my favorite I feel bad about being me song……….

And here is Sam 10 weeks postpartum……….


Poop, Google, and Babies………..

I really want to do this blog. But I also want to bathe, eat, heck poop. I have to pick just one because there is no time for everything. But since I’ve given up on my hygiene here I am blogging.

This morning I figured out my coffee pot. 6 cups and a tummy ache later I’m ready to go. Actually I think I’ve contracted adult ADD or is it ADHD. Who cares I’m not googling it. Yeah right I’m so googling it. I have baby brain. Which means I’m super flakey from sleep deprivation.

So how is this mommy thing going? I’ve developed an appreciation for my husband. He puts up with a lot of shit. Having older children made me a lazy bitch. Man that was a good three years. I’ve realized Matt really really must love me. I’m still not doing laundry though. The twins have forced me to participate in life. Actually just one of them. Which I’ve nicknamed her the devil.

I survived pregnancy. For some reason I forgot what it was like after pregnancy. When your pregnant you think it’s going to be all rainbows and unicorns when you get that baby finally.

Turns out you still hate your body. Its flabby and everything kinda hurts. It takes a month for you to even poop right. Your boobs turn into painful leaking mounds of hell. You sweat. You have like a month-long period. It’s awful. All you want to do is sleep.

Ha ha sleep that’s not happening in the near future.

The only rainbows and unicorns in my life are in the hallucinations from the sleep deprivation.

I’ve also forgotten everything I knew about babies. I maybe worst than a new mother. I’ve googled why my baby grunts, how much spit up is too much, and how much should a newborn poop. I’ve been talking a lot about poop lately. Bath time freaks me out. I’m also scared of clipping their nails. I randomly poke them to make sure they are still breathing. And I can’t stop taking pictures of them.

They also both have hemangiomas. Which has me in a googling frenzy. I’m panicked that my babies are going to be deformed in some way. Today I’m attempting to be rational. I’ve only googled it once and it was for blogging purposes.

My husband is also gone again. Which is okay because I’m almost too busy to be sad. Who am I kidding I’m mopey as can be. Less crying this time though. The babies don’t like the crying.

A month in and I’ve already failed at breast-feeding and cloth diapering. Well I do breast feed at night but it’s more like a snack for them. They just learned how to suckle. I couldn’t keep up with pumping to establish my milk supply. If you can breast feed twins you are a super woman. Seriously super woman. Also cloth diapering is for super women. I like modern conveniences. Okay if I can’t do something on my first attempt then I give up. It’s a terrible flaw to have. I know.

I think I need more coffee.

Really I need a pedicure, two eyebrows, several margaritas, and some adult conversation. Maybe sex with my husband. Yeah right like we are ever doing that again.

But right now I’m going to say adios.

I need to go google support groups for obsessive googling.


My twin pregnancy was rather uncomplicated. Well up until the end. I think most of my issues were stress induced. But in the end I did have two beautiful babies and was able to share the moment with my husband.

After giving birth I developed severe edema. My feet and legs were massively swollen. My feet were like memory foam, it was horrendous. I could barely walk and I had to wear those old lady socks for circulation. I had tree trunks for legs. Now that the swelling is down I have chicken legs. I think I lost some muscle mass. But heck I’ll take chicken legs over tree trunks.

Three days after giving birth I developed a headache. By day five it was full-blown agony. Never in my life had I experienced such a debilitating headache. I had trouble focusing, lifting my head, talking, and my ear was muffled. My ear also was draining clear fluid. I honestly thought maybe it was from lack of sleep, a sinus infection, or hormones.

I didn’t call my douche doctor because I figured it would be pointless. I also hate being a wuss so I was trying to just bare it. I’m a badass. I can handle a headache.

By day 6 it was so bad I thought I was having a stroke. Finally I called my doctor. For the first time ever he promptly replied and told me to take my butt to the ER. I figured I was screwed at this point since he was so serious about me getting to the hospital.

I was admitted in under 10 minutes. The ER doctor informed me that I had a lumbar leak from my epidural. So that fun fluid coming out of my ear was spinal fluid. I basically had a headache because there wasn’t enough fluid to cushion my brain.

1 out of 100 women will get a spinal headache from their epidural. Funny enough I had three epidurals prior and never even heard of it. The thought of walking around with leaky spinal fluid kinda freaks and grosses me out.

The ER doctor informed me they could fix it with a blood patch. A blood patch is where they give you another epidural and they inject blood from you into your spine. It clots over the hole and voila your magically better. Then Dr Doom informs me that I probably waited too long for it to actually work. So what I’m just screwed then. I received in IV and bag of liquid caffeine. Freakin great another bag of saline. I just got my ankles back.

The anesthesiologist didn’t agree with Dr Doom and informed me that I should go with the blood patch.

Holy fuckin shit. Yeah I cussed. This woman tapped my spine and wiggled this giant freakin needle around in my back. Ooh can you feel that? No lady I just squeal and cry for fun. Dude when you’re not pumped full of numbing drugs that shit hurts. She took about 20ml of blood and injected it into my spine. Matt said it made a bubble under my skin. Yeah he’s a sick fellow he watched the whole thing. I spent the rest of the night laying flat on my back. In an effort to not “disturb” the blood clot.

Around midnight I started to get a headache again. Fuck. I was so bummed, torture for nothing. Now I get a backache and the shitty headache. But magically I woke up this morning to no headache. I like to use the analogy that I traded a gun shot wound for a stab wound. Sure I can barely walk around today but man does my head feel great.

This whole blood patch business was so worth it. How do they come up with this stuff? Medical science amazes me.

I’m over epidurals. Not doing that shit again. I can’t even describe the headache it was so bad. I mean I got a spinal tap just to get rid of it.

So ladies if you ever get a headache after an epidural seek prompt medical attention. Don’t try to be a badass.

Post Pregnancy

I tortured myself this pregnancy. I was convinced that these twins were going to screw me and wreak havoc on my body. My pre-pregnancy weight was 135. I was holding on to some winter pounds. I was 172 when I delivered. 4 days after delivery my bottom half was so swollen that I could barely walk. I was retaining so much water in my legs I weighed 175 pounds.

It is now one week after delivery. My feet finally look semi normal and I’ve lost some serious water weight. I weigh 146 pounds.

I still feel like shit. I lost a lot of blood. Probably could have used some. I have a serious migraine and these fun little heart palpitations. I’m starving and super thirsty. Walking is still a little rough. But I’m getting there.

I’ve become obsessed with cleanliness. We will see how long that side effect last, lol.

I have two beautiful babies and no stretch marks.

I’m hella stoked.

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Our Birth Story

Do you know what’s hard about having a baby blog? Having babies and then trying to blog. I actually avoided my blog toward the end of pregnancy. My stress levels were off the charts. Bitching was all I could muster. Even I was tired of myself.

After much crying my husband came home on the 26th of August. And I mean insane amounts of sobbing. My doctor kept putting off my induction. And the panic of doing it alone had set in. I don’t think I have ever been so stoked to see my husband. I mean I love the man but it felt like I just won the lottery.

My doctor took me off bed rest at my 36 week mark. So we took to walking that weekend. I also had my first brush with edema. By the end of the day on Saturday my legs looked like they belonged to the marshmallow man. But we kept walking. I had steady contractions all day Sunday and Monday.

On Tuesday I had my routine office visit. My douche doctor breezed in gave me some talk about being insanely busy. Checked my cervix and suddenly changed his tune. I was 4 cm dilated and 75% effaced. He gave me the list of reasons to come back to labor and delivery. And sent me home exclaiming he would see me sooner than later. Sent me home. I was so pissed. With all my other babies at this point I was already laying in a delivery room.

So we went to the mall and walked. This is where the blog starts to get graphic. I began bleeding and my contractions picked up. We went home and I laid down. By 7 pm I had enough and we headed to the hospital.

I was steadily contracting so they decided to monitor me over night. We had the option to go back home but I didn’t have Demerol at home. My contractions were painful but appeared to be not doing shit. They would not induce unless my cervix started to change. Medical Center of Lewisville has a policy about induction before 38 weeks unless medically necessary. I was distraught that this was going to go on for another week before I entered active labor.

At 7 am they checked me one last time and thank you Jesus I was 5 cm dilated and 90% effaced. Now the nurse of course could not get a hold of my douche doctor to actually admit me. Thank goodness she was fiesty and went ahead and did it any way.

By 8 am I had an IV in me. She only had to try twice which I was thankful for. I have bad veins and generally I get stuck several times before they hit gold. I also got some sweet bracelets, seven actually. I was wrist to elbow covered in bracelets, it was ridiculous. But double the babies double the fun right.

By 10 am Matt was holding me while I received my epidural. He also had the joy of seeing me get a catheter. And multitudes of nurses shove their hands inside me.

By 11 am I was 6 cm and still 90% effaced. They started Pitocin. And my douche doctor decided to grace us with his presence. We are pretty sure he was on his way to a Rangers game. So he would be unable to deliver the twins. He did break my water. And let me tell you there was no water. It was a bloody horror show. He got blood every where.

At this point my epidural kicked in. And I was numb and high as a kite. The next few hours was a blur of people. I had no clue what was going on.

At 3 pm they asked if I felt any pressure. Um no I was pretty sure I had lost my bottom half it was so numb. The nurse checked me and baby A was pretty much crowning. They gave Matt a lovely blue gown with matching cap and booties. And I was being wheeled away to the operating room. They made Matt sit all by his lonesome in the hallway.

Operating room was um scary! Bright lights, tons of people, and torturous devices laid out on tables. There was about 10 people in the room. An Ob a lovely funny older woman named Dr. Allen, a surgeon, anasteologist, and a slew of nurses. Apparently a vaginal delivery of vertex/vertex twins doesn’t happen very often. So we were the most exciting thing happening that day.

Oh yeah this isn’t a short blog

I was rolled onto a table that was actually smaller than my body. My legs were put in stirrups and my arms were laid out on these little arm rest. Matt was allowed back in and it was time to get the show on the road. Dr. Allen made the comment that our doctor had described us as the most tattooed people he had ever seen. And called us Carey Hart and Pink. She also read my ass and inquired why my “mom” tattoo had an extra o. I didn’t bother to explain it was Matt’s nickname.

It took 3 pushes to get baby A out. I’m pretty sure she was half hanging out already. Matt cut the cord. And Penelope Nancy Osborn officially had her birthday at 3:43 pm August 31st.

Matt was clutching these bloody scissors while they guided baby B into position for delivery. His expression was indescribable. I could hear Penelope wailing. I just wanted to see her. The doctor made him put the scissors down. His cutting skills were a little sketchy I’m just saying.

4 pushes and baby B was out. I did kinda wuss out at the end and they yanked her out. She cried, Matt almost cut her toes off, I scolded him a little. And Liberty Bell Osborn officially had her birthday at 3:51 pm.

8 minutes apart.

They tried to take off with my babies before we even saw them. We got a couple pictures. And Matt and the girls were whisked away.

Well not before I delivered the placenta. The doctor kinda played with it and freaked Matt out. He got an anatomy lesson he didn’t expect.

I was left in the room with a few nurses and the disappointed surgeon. They removed my epidural, catheter, and various other tubes. I was ungracefully rolled back into my bed and wheeled back to my room.

I finally saw my babies. But Liberty was making grunting noises. So she was promptly sent to the NICU. I didn’t see her again for another 24 hours. We were wheeled to another room and I was given Penelope. We had Penelope for 24 hours before she was taken to the NICU for low blood sugar.

Liberty was on oxygen and tube fed the first night. Both girls had low blood sugar and were poor feeders. I was unable to breast feed them so I pumped. The NICU was a scary place filled with noise and tiny babies.

The girls quickly took to the bottle and their blood sugar leveled. We went from not knowing when we were going home to a crazy 24 hours of non stop test and paperwork. We all went home on day 4.

It’s been a crazy last couple of days. I’m not even sure what day it is at this point. But the girls are here and healthy. I’m on some sort of baby high. Matt called them crack and I needed to put them down for a moment.

Baby crack.

Hello my name is Samantha and I am a baby addict…………..

who is madly in love with two little girls

Meet Penelope and Liberty

Finish Line

Babies babies.

I’m currently doing weekly check-ups actually more like I’m at the hospital every other day! After our insurance fiasco we transferred doctors. Well apparently I didn’t come with complete records.

So the magic question is when am I due. Sneaking by on my glucose testing turns out wasn’t such a great thing. My blood sugar is and has been slightly elevated. Since my blood sugar generally runs low we are now trying to determine if that is the cause of my large babies. Or I am further along. Or I just have giant babies!

Who knows.

This week I went in for my non stress test. Between my check up and NST, I was stuck at the hospital for 3 hours. But the real bummer was a stillborn on the maternity floor that day. It’s not very comforting for an expecting mother to listen to the report of death call on a baby. So sad…….

Back to my maybe gestational diabetes. I get to go in for another glucose test. This time I have to fast the night before. I will get another sonogram and NST next week. And I get to follow-up with a Perinatologist. Who will administer an amniocentesis
test to determine lung maturity. What a fun two weeks!

I’m still going crazy on bed rest. I’m still missing my husband. I’m still hostile and cranky. Actually more so with every are you okay. No I’m not okay. I swallowed a watermelon, everything hurts, everyone is crazy, I’m at the mercy of others, and my husband is in St. Louis!

I’m also sick of everyone’s medical advise.

Or should I say opinion.

I’d much rather be at home in my bed then forced into the hospital. Thank goodness that my cervix is still pretty closed at 2cm and I get to stay home. Bed rest or rest in general seems to be helping my pissed of uterus. I spend my days at the hospital what I can’t spend my nights at home.

Within the next two weeks we should have some sort of game plan. I sure hope so. I would like the babies to “cook” a little longer. I would prefer that they are not taken early due to size. I would prefer to skip a stay in the NICU all together.

And I would prefer the medical opinions to come from actual doctors.

But we can’t always get what we want, can we…………..