Help I’ve Fallen…..

This pregnancy stuff is rough. Finding myself wedged between a crib, wall, and toy box at 3:29 this morning was a fun time.
I had reached the pacifier I had randomly knocked behind Penelope’s crib in my desperate blind search for it. I even managed to shove it back in her mouth from between the bars of her baby prison, I mean crib.
But there I was fat, tired, out of breath, and stuck. I wanted to call for help but then I would wake the babies I just quieted.
So I sat there and laughed to myself. My plight was a ridiculous one. I half laid there for a good 20 minutes. If I could have reached my leg to chew it off I would have. The rubber ball in the toy box next to me wasn’t going to be useful. I may have fallen asleep.
Some how I managed to crawl out of my predicament. I don’t know how maybe it was sheer will. I’m a little worse for wear from it. How sexy is a limp?
The possibility of being discovered in the morning laid out like a beached whale by my husband or my children might have been it. It would be mighty hard to dole out sarcasm at them afterwards.
Honestly I had to pee and that is a strong motivator.
Pregnancy won this round. So I’m not as limber or thin or structurally stable as I once was. Lesson learned.
Maybe it’s time to wean a certain baby off the binkie or this mama may need to get life alert!!!

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